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  • Writer's pictureLucy Duffy

Crocheted flower pattern roundup

Updated: Nov 1, 2023

As well as loving all things craft related I am also a keen gardener & at this time of year, I love seeing the garden coming to life with flowers beginning to pop up through the earth & bring a much needed burst of colour.

A collage of four photographs showing different flowers.

This got me thinking about the many different flower shapes & colours that can be re-created through crochet so I thought I would share some of my favourite flowers throughout the year with you, along with free patterns for those flowers from around the web.

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A collage of crocheted Daffodils, tulips, sunflower, bluebells, snowdrops & crocus.

I absolutely love snowdrops, it always amazes me that something so delicate can push itself up through cold soil & even snow! Now you can make your own little power flower with this gorgeous snowdrop applique from

Clicking on the photo below will take you straight to the post which contains the free pattern.

Crocheted snowdrops.

My second favourite at this time of year has to be the crocus, those little pops of colour bursting up though the ground & brightening up the days. The free pattern for these super cute Amigurumi Crocus' can be found at Again, clicking on the photo below will take you straight there.

Crocheted crocus.

Next up has to be the Daffodil. When you see their tall stems standing up in clumps you know that spring really is just around the corner! This crocheted spring daffodil pattern can be found at

Clicking the photo below will take you straight to the free pattern.

Crocheted daffodils.

As we move through late spring I love to see the bluebells coming up, especially when they are in huge clumps, simply stunning!

This beautiful crocheted bluebell is available at You will also find lots of other flower patterns on this site so it's well worth a look around. Again, clicking the photo will take you straight there.

Crocheted bluebells.

Taking us into early summer, my favourite has to be the statuesque tulips, they come in so many beautiful colours. I would fill my garden with just tulips if they lasted longer than a few weeks!

This stunning free pattern is found at, click the photo to head straight there.

Crocheted Tulips.

As we move into late summer & early autumn, the humble sunflower has to be my favourite, towering above everything else, smiling down at us 😊 You can get this free sunflower pattern at by clicking on the below photo.

A crocheted sunflower.

If these free patterns have given you a taste for creating your own indoor garden, I highly recommend the book "crocheted Houseplants" by Emma Varnam. I recently made the below Primula from one of the patterns & it was surprisingly easy 😊

A crocheted Primula & a book of crocheted houseplants.

Why not comment below to let me know if one of these beautiful flowers is your favourite too & how you got on with these simple, yet effective patterns!

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